For comprehensive guidelines based on every aspect related to publishing with IEEE, use the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board Operations Manual. Read more about IEEE’s core values, principles, and position on the appropriate use of bibliometric indicators.
The IEEE Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB) Operations Manual (PDF, 1 MB) outlines all operations and guidelines for IEEE publication services and products. Areas of interest include:
The IEEE Principles of Scholarly Publishing (PDF, 32 KB) outline the IEEE core values and principles in an ever-changing publishing landscape.
IEEE recognizes the increasing importance of bibliometric indicators as independent measures of quality or impact of any scientific publication and therefore explicitly and firmly condemns any practice aimed at influencing the number of citations to a specific journal with the sole purpose of artificially influencing the corresponding indices.
IEEE recognizes the recent concerns expressed by the scientific community about the inappropriate application of bibliometrics to the evaluation of both scientists and research proposals. More specifically, IEEE endorses the following tenets in conducting proper assessment in the areas of engineering, computer science, and information technology.
Read the full IEEE statement (PDF, 115 KB) on the appropriate use of bibliometric indicators, as adopted by the IEEE Board of Directors in September 2013.
IEEE is a signatory of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). DORA is a set of recommendations and principles aimed at improving the way research outputs are evaluated, emphasizing the need to evaluate research based on its content, merits, and broader impacts rather than relying solely on journal-level metrics.
IEEE provides a range of metrics to encourage a shift toward assessment based on the scientific content of an article rather than publication metrics of the journal in which it was published.
See for more information.