Once your article proof PDF is generated and ready for review, an email notification invites the corresponding author to download the article proof from the IEEE Author Gateway.
Even though you have been informed that no changes are permitted after an article has been reviewed and approved, changes may occur during the editing and formatting process. Sometimes the team that has converted your article to the IEEE format also has follow-up questions or needs to confirm formatting-related changes. These are captured and listed as queries at the top of the proof.
Tips for reviewing your proof:
If you receive your article proof PDF as an email attachment, simply download, annotate, and email it back to your IEEE Journals Production Manager (JPM). If you are unable to annotate the PDF file, you can still email corrections to your JPM through one of the following methods.
Please note that the JPM cannot accept a new version of the article. All corrections must be submitted through one of the above methods. If you have any questions about your proof, email your Journals Production Manager; their contact information can be found in the IEEE Author Gateway.
If changes are required on any figures or tables, a new image file must be provided. Please supply a replacement file electronically in one of the following formats: PDF, EPS, TIFF, PNG, or any MS Office format (DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX). All replacement figures and tables should meet the minimum graphics standards available on the IEEE Author Center’s Create Graphics for Your Article page.
If index terms or keywords were not included in your article, you will need to provide them. For best results, define any abbreviations and, where possible, strive to use standardized keywords. If you are unsure, please visit the following link to access the IEEE Thesaurus and Taxonomy.